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How To Wash Pillows

How To Wash Pillows

Pillows need washing too, and Roux Maison Essential Laundry Detergent is perfect to get them fresh, clean and chemical-free. 
How To Wash A Backpack

How To Wash A Backpack

Laundering a kid's backpack is a straightforward process, and it's important to do so periodically to keep it clean and free from germs. Here are...

What’s The Deal With Fragrance In Laundry Products And Why Should You Care?

What’s The Deal With Fragrance In Laundry Products And Why Should You Care?

Why are these smells so strong and why do they seemingly last forever even when they say on their labels that they are natural? Flowers and fruit can’t smell great indefinitely and they certainly aren’t nearly so potent. Some of these smells are so familiar they are ingrained into our brains like memories. Here’s what you need to know.