Earth Day – little changes and big differences

We love Earth Day and the opportunity to shout from the rooftops and celebrate everything we do to help make your life easier while we also make your clothes cleaner and eliminate nasty chemicals from your life. Little changes count and nothing is too small to dismiss as inconsequential. Every sweater you wash at home with Roux Maison and you don’t dry clean is saving you and your family from chemical exposure and helping your sweater to last so much longer. Every bottle of Roux Maison has a smaller carbon footprint and uses less water and less packaging than conventional brands. The extension of the lifespan of every item of clothing you don’t need to replace prematurely as a result of using Roux Maison laundry products saves you money and conserves resources used to make the replacement clothes that you didn’t need to purchase. Buy less stuff that you don’t need. Take better care of what you already have. Save money and save resources. How great is all of this and it’s just the beginning! This is such a perfect time to think about what we are already doing and what else we can add to our routine to make an even bigger impact. The cool thing is that new habits don’t take that long to create and everything makes a difference.

Strawberries and Kale

What new changes do you want to make this Earth Day? Recycle more? Compost? At my house, we’re working on our garden. We started planting more herbs and fruits and veggies a couple of years ago and I think this will be the best year yet. Our own farmer’s market! We definitely try to buy local whenever possible anyway, but we also want to try and grow more of our own fruits and vegetables to show our kids where they come from and just how much it takes to create the food they eat. We want them to be invested in their nutrition and why it matters. Like so many things, once you can see the process, you care more.


The hope is that we won’t need to set aside special days to acknowledge and recognize the need to protect our planet if we can educate kids and adults alike about the importance and urgency of protecting our resources. Earth Day is about paying it forward and protecting our future. There are so many ways this matters so much. So, we hope this is a meaningful Earth Day and week for you and that we all make our best efforts to make changes that are sustainable for us going forward as we try to make changes to sustain our earth as well! Everything counts.


Make the most of your Earth Day!


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