As a working professional, the office is probably where you spend most of your day. And where you wear most of your best clothing. Inevitably, you are going to spill something on your blouse or drop something on your pants. Luckily, Roux Maison is here to help. Fed up with chemical-heavy stain removers that are harsh on stains and on clothes, Roux Maison developed a natural solution: Roux Maison Stain Remover. Made up of only distilled water, biodegradable salts, and biodegradable surfactants, our stain remover pledges to quickly lift virtually any stain while leaving your clothing good as new.
Coffee is essential to almost anyone’s productivity throughout the day. Studies show that Americans drink almost 400 million cups per day. With all that coffee being poured and consumed throughout the day, a few of them are bound to get spilled while at the office. It has probably even happened to you once or twice. You’re on your way to a meeting or maybe you’re just on your way to the office in the morning, and with an ill-timed flick of the wrist, your coffee has gone from mug to clothing in seconds.
Once this happens, you have two options: you can wear an embarrassing coffee stain all day or you can take action with Roux Maison. If possible, remove the stained item for easier stain treatment. Turn the garment inside out and rinse the stain with cold water from the back. This will help prevent any color from setting. If some color remains after rinsing for a few minutes, apply a small amount of Roux Maison Stain Remover and continue rinsing with cold water. Pat dry or air dry and get on with your day!
By the middle of the day, sometimes we need a little makeup refreshing. Just a quick powdering of the nose and some fresh lipstick can make us feel ready to conquer the rest of the day instead of hitting the 2 p.m. slump. But that feeling of victory can soon turn to defeat when we catch a case of the butterfingers and put a red streak down our blouses or on our pants. Luckily, we ladies are always prepared.
Sneak off to the bathroom and treat the stain with some natural Roux Maison Stain Remover. Flush with water and launder as usual once the day is done. If the stain does not come out completely with just the stain remover, take out your trusty travel size Essential or Delicate detergent, rub on the remaining stain and flush with water. Let air dry and get on with your day stain free!
Barbecue Sauce and Ketchup
Enjoying a good lunch can sometimes mean wearing it, too. But it’s doesn’t have to ruin your your outfit. Be sure to immediately scrape off any additional sauce before applying stain remover. Once all excess sauce is removed, treat with Roux Maison Stain Remover and flush with cold water from behind the stain. Let air dry.
No matter how careful you are, there are days when it’s impossible to stay stain-free. Luckily, those stains don’t stand a chance again Roux Maison Natural Stain Remover. Keep a bottle in your purse or your desk to always be ready for whatever the day throws at you!
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